Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Week 1, Rest Day

So ideally in this program, you run 3 times a week making sure to give yourself a rest day between runs.

My life, however, makes this structure more difficult.

I work as a waitress in a very high volume sports bar. In a single shift, it's estimated that I burn 1600 calories. I wore a pedometer to my unusually short 4-hour shift on Sunday (we were slow) and I walked 10,000 steps. That's an active day's worth. So I'm usually quite tired enough as it is after a shift, and don't want to work out beforehand to fatigue my muscles any more than necessary.

I work 4 shifts a week in the summer, which would be perfect for this plan - I would run on the 3 days that I am not working. This is the general goal, and I'll do it most weeks.

But this week, my three days off have come right in a row: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. I was going to just run those days anyway, but I could feel that my muscles were tired today and I didn't want to hurt anything. I'll find some time to get my third workout for the week in before the week is through. I will likely do it tomorrow morning after doing my theory tutoring, but before going to my summer class and working an evening shift. It will be a full day, but the only thing that might prevent my run is the projected thunderstorms. If it doesn't work out tomorrow, I will have a little time between teaching preschool and working at the restaurant on Friday.

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