Monday, June 9, 2008

It's getting hot in here...

So today is supposed to be a running day. However:

So it may or may not happen. We don't want any passing out going on. Luckily, by 7 pm it should only be 87 and feel like 88, so that might be a little more manageable.

Also, today I received in the mail 3- and 5-lb handweights, which were a reward for meeting fitness and nutrition goals in May. Woo!
Today is supposed to be a running day for me, but unfortunately:

1 comment:

Sara said...

Eeeek! Feels like 100 is no good! I should definitely not be complaining about the temperature on my run at all. :)

I just saw your comment on my last post...hmmm, I'll have to figure out how to get it to let me know when there is a comment! Glad you figured out the google maps without my help at least! Which text things are you talking about? The description at the side? If so, I think I can edit that.

Yayyyyy us!